mummy is in very bad condition because of what Carter did in the 1920s," said
Tawass, Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, as he leaned
user the body for a long first look. Carter-Howard Carter, that is - was the British
archaeologist who in 1922 discovered Tut's tomb after years of futile searching. Its
contents, though hastily ransacked in antiquity, were surprisingly complete. They remain
the richest royal collection ever found and have become part of the pharaoh's legend.
Stunning artefacts in gold, their eternal brilliance meant to guarantee resurrection,
caused a sensation at the time of the discovery -- and still get the most attention. But Tut
was also buried with everyday things he'd want in the afterlife: board games, a bronze
razor, linen undergarments, cases of food and wine.
Que. 1 Whose mummy is in very bad condition ?
(1 Mark)
Que.2 Who discovered Tut's tomb ?
(1 Mark)
Que.3 What is the meaning of resurrection & ransacked ? (2 Marks)
Que.4 Give reason why -
(1) King Tut’s body has been subjected to repeated scrutiny. (2 Marks)
11) Tut's body was buried along with gilded treasures.
(2 Marks)
iii) The boy king changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun. (2 Marks)
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