muscles around the bloods vessels and nerves, etc.
(b) Adipose tissuco acts as the storage site of fats
found between the internal oxgah and Phelow the skins
co Dense regular tissue : Main components are tendons
and ligamenti tenders Connect muscles to bones
while ligarients connect twee baness together
od skeletal tissue:- main components of skeletal tissue
are cartilage and bonec
(e) fluid tissue: Blood
is the kasolar tissue foresent
@ muscular tissues :- Main function of muscular tissure is
to provide moverment to the body
La Striated nucles cels
and multinucleated.
Lbl Smooth muscles cell axe long. Spindle-Shapes
and possessar Single nucleus.
(1) cardiac muscles : cells are cylindrical, unbranches
and uncleated.
axe Lylindrical, tinbranched
Nexes tissuesi present in the brain, spine) card
(4) News (ells of the hervsys tissue
(b) A henran consits of a cell had an axon and
Answered by
- yxususuueueuysgysywwhwhywwhewueuwwhhwuw
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