Physics, asked by outerglow08, 7 months ago

muscular force advantages and disadvantages


Answered by Anonymous


don’t if it is a “disadvantage” per se….

A lot of my personal training clients and consultation clients will seek advice about losing weight or getting toned in the upper body. They will immediately follow that up with “Well, I’m weak in the upper body, but I think I’m good with the lower body because I already run/bike….”

In other words, in some way, they have muscle endurance. What they’ve strengthen are what we call “slow twitch” muscles. Your muscles ( to put it in layman’s terms, I may have some of this terminology mixed up) are made up of mostly two type of fibers which allow the muscle to contract/twitch as it response to the body system of utilizing energy (anaerobic,/aerobic). The fast twitch fibers utilize and break down the high energy compounds quickly (anaerobic), which gives the muscles the ability to produce more power in a short term duration. The slow twitch muscles fibers are able to utilize high energy compounds more slowly, which gives the muscles ability to work for a longer duration. Your muscles have a mixture of both fibers, but essentially, if all you do is run, you've trained your muscles to work for a longer period of time, while you will be unable to produce short bursts of energy and power without fatiguing quickly. This means you should train not only for endurance, but also for strength.

So the only disadvantage, if you could call it that, in muscle endurance would be that you lack the ability to exert power (or your weak at it) when you need to.

It is good to increase both muscle endurance and muscle strength so that you can utilize power/strength, which will ultimately compliment muscle endurance. My clients shouldn't just run to strengthen their lower body; they should also incorporate weight resistance to help them build power. In addition, strengthening the muscles through weight training will also help them better protect their joints and reduce risks of injury.

I kind of went all over the board, but I hope there’s an answer in there somewhere.

Answered by ᴅʏɴᴀᴍɪᴄᴀᴠɪ


hi friend



  • increase your ability to do works like opening door,lifting weights ets....
  • reduce the risk of injury
  • help to keep healthy body weight


I think there is no disadvantage.

hope this helped you

please mark it as brainlist........

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