mutation that result in sickle cell anaemia is a
As mentioned, sickle-cell anemia is the result of a change in a single nucleotide, and it represents just one class of mutations called point mutations. Changes in the DNA sequence can also occur at the level of the chromosome, in which large segments of chromosomes are altered.
Sickle cell anemia is the result of a point mutation in the hemoglobin gene. Sickle cell hemoglobin (HbS) causes red blood cells to form a sickle shape. People who inherit one sickle cell gene and one normal gene have sickle cell trait.
If mutations that produce hemoglobin S and beta thalassemia occur together, individuals have hemoglobin S-beta thalassemia (HbSBetaThal) disease. Abnormal versions of beta-globin can distort red blood cells into a sickle shape. The sickle-shaped red blood cells die prematurely, which can lead to anemia.