mutton and biological how
Biological value of mutton protein.
Foreign Title : Biologicka ucinnost bielkoviny skopoveho masa.
Author(s) : Timko, L.
Author Affiliation : Ustav ved. sustavu hospod., Kosice.
Journal article : Polnohospodarstvo 1968 Vol.14 pp.42-48
Abstract : In balance trials with rats the biological value of mutton protein was studied by estimating the Net Protein Retention and the Protein Efficiency Ratio. The mutton protein was not significantly better than beef and pork protein.
Record Number : 19681407051
Language of text : Slovak
Language of summary : Russian English
Indexing terms for this abstract:
Organism descriptor(s) : rats, sheep
Descriptor(s) : animal models, meat, mutton, pigmeat, protein retention, sheepmeat
Identifier(s) : pork
Broader term(s) : Muridae, rodents, mammals, vertebrates, Chordata, animals, eukaryotes, Ovis, Bovidae, ruminants, Artiodactyla
hope it helps u and pls mark me as a brainliest