my aim in life is teacher with 50 words
Text you copy will automatically show herePin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourText you copy will automatically show herePin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourSlide clipboard items to delete themSlide clipboard items to delete themSlide clipboard items to delete themPin copied text snippets to stop them expiring after 1 hourText you copy will automatically show hereWhat is expand and extend memoryWrite a short note on exclusive OR gateProve De-Morgan's First theoremsState or define the following
a)pauli's exclusion principle b)molecular mass c) Aufbau principle d) Hund's rule of maximum multiplicityState and explain Gay-lussac's law of combining volumes of gasDescribe the Bohr's atomic modelDescribe the Bohr's atomic modelHow is following compounds obtained?
But-1-yne from ethyne
Pent-2-yne from propyneProve De-Morgan's First theoremsexplain sequential circuit and combinational circuitWhat is race around the condition?State or define the following
a)pauli's exclusion principle b)molecular mass c) Aufbau principle d) Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity