English, asked by sakshikhomane24, 3 months ago

my expectations from the new education policy sytem essay​


Answered by zebaalmaas786


able and culturally defined.

Broadly, education helps the students to achieve ‘the ability to get along with others’ and also ‘learning to think for oneself. In one of the documents of UNESCO (1973), it was declared that education is ‘to know, to possess and to be’. How education functions to serve the individual and society?


What are the expectations of people about the educational system?

We will discuss these questions in the following:

Education and Socialization:

Human organism is not genetically programmed like all other organisms. Its specific behaviour is not provided by some set of inherited instincts. Instead, all human beings have to go through a complex learning process and this learning process is called socialization.

This process encompasses both types of learning—informal and formal. Informal learning starts from childhood and ends with the life. It usually takes place as a part of everyday activity. Formal learning, on the other hand, is associated with the acquisition of specific skills, such as reading and writing, which usually are acquired in schools, colleges and other educational institutions.


Education has been accepted as one major agency of socialization and teachers and educational institutions as socializing agents. Pioneer sociologist Emile Durkheim wrote in his book, Education and Sociology (1922): ‘Education consists of a methodical socialization of younger generation.’

Struc­tural-functionalists argue that it reinforces the socialization process that started with the family. There are scholars who regard socialization and education as synonymous. It helps children acquire complex skills and the knowledge necessary to function in the world through such courses as history, geography, social studies, and science subjects. In addition, students learn the values of the larger society.

Most obviously, teachers tell their pupils formally what to do, how to eat, dress and speak, as well as what values they should hold. Students learn to tell time, be punctual, to co-operate with others, to achieve group goals, and to obey the rules necessary for a smooth-running organization.

According to Yogendra Singh (2002), ‘Education is that part of total socialization through which we learn those roles that are based on derived needs. Thus, we call it as a process of secondary socialization.’ Both Durkheim and Marx emphasized that in order to survive, societies need to socialize their young to accept dominant norms and values and this function is performed by educational institutions.


Durkheim particularly stressed on the role of ritual in forming patterns of behaviour and in reinforcing values. Thus, school assemblies might involve rituals in which national patriotism or a belief in a particular God or Goddess (for instance, Saraswati) is expressed and strengthened such as singing of national anthem, prayer and other national or religious songs.

Transmission of Culture:

Besides providing fundamental information such as basic reading, writing and other skills needed to make one’s way through a highly complicated world beset with many problems of life, education also transmits cultural heritage and society’s values such as honesty, trust and concern for others.

Much early schooling is concerned with transmitting norms regarding good citizenship—cleanliness, rules of the road, respect to elders, discipline, punctuality, etc., from one generation to the next. We learn respect for social control and reverence for established institutions, such as religion, family, government and economy. Through textbooks school children are taught to pay respect and bestow reverence to national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Swami Vivekananda, Bhagat

Answered by nandanipaul123



✳able and culturally defined.✳

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