my favorite childhood place (essay)
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My Favorite Memory of my Childhood
My favorite place has always been my mother’s home town. I spent many summers with my mother’s family when I was younger in my early teen years. Cap — Haitian is a beautiful city Witch seemed to have something special and unforgettable. It kept the same architecture from when the French people were living there. It is located to the north of the capital and has many things to explore. I always enjoyed going on vacation there. We traveled several hours by bus, and I had the opportunity to look at some architecture of the other cities while the bus was passing by such as: St-Marc we can admire the large port town surrounded by mountains. It is located on a flat land close to the sea. Gonaïves is a historic city, we can see some colonial houses because this city was founded by the Indians and named the bay of Gonaives. My mother’s home town is a place where people can find the organic food, enjoy the ocean, and the atmosphere. There are three things that make the place special to me: the gardens, the beaches, and the historic places.
need brainlist!
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