Psychology, asked by priyankabhaskark, 4 months ago

My first is in FLOWER and in ROSE
My second is in FORK and we'll asHOSE
My third is in CROCUS but not inGNOME
My fourth is in RAKE never in HOMEMY
Fifth is in HOE and also in WEEDS
My sixth is in SHEARS though not in SEEDS
My seventh is in LADYBIRD not in CREATURE
What am I?​


Answered by Anonymous

My first is in FLOWER and in ROSE

My second is in FORK and we'll asHOSE

My third is in CROCUS but not inGNOME

My fourth is in RAKE never in HOMEMY

Fifth is in HOE and also in WEEDS

My sixth is in SHEARS though not in SEEDS

My seventh is in LADYBIRD not in CREATURE

What am I?

ANSWER: Rockery

Answered by mudhirajharika25




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