English, asked by Rabail6406, 7 months ago

My flowers were begging for water is an example of _____________ A. Alliteration B. Personification C. Simile D. Metaphor


Answered by dabkeshubhada


personification is d answer

Answered by varshamittal029


My flowers were begging for water is an example of Personification


A simile is a comparison figure of speech. A simile compares two unlikely things that have nothing in common by using the words "like" and "as." This is done to emphasize the dramatic nature of the prose and to elicit vivid images and comparisons. It is one of the most common types of figure of speech, appearing in everything from everyday conversation to poetry.

A metaphor and a simile are very similar. A metaphor may also make comparisons to things that are in no way related. It does so to emphasize the symbolism. A metaphor is a word or phrase that is used to show how one thing is similar to another.

We personify or represent a non-human entity as human in personification. We imbue an inanimate object or an intangible idea with human characteristics such as emotions, gestures, and even speech. This is done to make the object appear alive and to assist the listener or reader in creating a vivid picture. Again, if we take the words literally, they will sound absurd.

Alliteration is a literary device that occurs when the sound of the second or third letter in a series repeats. Alliteration is also used to emphasize a consonant sound in stressed syllables. It has a rhythmic effect, as can be seen.


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