English, asked by rahamananam0002, 2 months ago

My learning of The Axe by R.K Narayan​


Answered by nishukhyalia84


In The Axe by R.K. Narayan we have the theme of independence, pride, dedication, prosperity, loss, control, change and acceptance. Taken from his Malgudi Days collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and after reading the story the reader realises that Narayan may be exploring the theme of independence. After Velan has been slapped by his father he abandons his father and sets out to find work for himself. Eventually becoming a gardener. This may be important as Velan is displaying an independent streak. He is showing his father that he can make it on his own. That he does not need to be guided by his father. The old man who employs Velan is also interesting as he allows Velan to have complete control of the garden which would further suggest that Velan has a degree of independence in his life. Though he is answerable to the old man. The old man does not get in Velan’s way. He leaves him to his own devices. It is also interesting that despite claiming his father’s property on his father’s death. Velan does not leave the garden preferring to stay in his hut by the garden. This may be important as it suggests that Velan is dedicated to the garden. Something that is also noticeable by the fact that Velan also talks to each plant and flower. Urging them on in growth. If anything Velan’s world is dedicated or devoted to the garden.

Answered by sakshamkamble056


An astrologer passing through the village foretold that Velan would live in a three-storeyed house surrounded by many acres of garden. At this everybody gathered round young Velan and made fun of him. For Koppal did not have a more ragged and godforsaken family than Velan’s.

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