my name is mohit in Punjabi but write pernanciation in English
My name is Mohit I live in Punjab
a)Ten possible cause of deforestation are forest fires, Drought, Acid rains, volcanic eruption, cutting forest, for
cattle grazing, logging of trees for commercial activities, clearing trees for human settlement, climate change,
parasites and agricultural expansion.
b)When forest covers donot take place then the soil become dry due to sun ray’s and the growth of
microorganism is impacted .This affects the fertility of soil which do not support the growth of vegetation,
hence the fertile soil get converted into barren desert.
c)The process in which some animals and birds move from one region to another with weather change is called
migration. Animals migrate in search of food, due to inadequate climatic condition, breeding etc.
d)Various zones of bioreserves are
(i) Core zone :- This zone strictly protect different animals and plants from the human impact
(ii) buzzer zone :- This zone surrounds the core zone and provides a space for research, recreation and tourism.
(iii) transition zone :- this zone is for local communities that have hand in managing the resources of the area
through farming. and any other non-governmental activities.