English, asked by princess3244, 5 months ago

My neighbours paragraph for class 9 ​


Answered by shanushagun0909


My Neighbour

A neighbour is the one who lives near or next to your house. My neighbour’s name is Preethi. She is very kind to me. My neighbour gives me chocolates whenever I visit her. Her hobbies are gardening and cooking. She makes good cookies and cakes. My neighbour has a lovely garden with lots of flowers like tulips, roses, lillies etc. She has three kids. I love playing with my neighbours’ kids. She takes me to places like amusement parks, beaches, zoo etc. She takes care of me whenever my parents go out. Sometimes she plays with me. She helps me in my studies whenever my mother is busy at home. You should love your neighbour as yourself.

We all have neighbors. Nobody can live without neighbors whether he likes them or not. Neighbors play an important part in our social life. It is advisable to find a good neighbor before finding a good house. A good and understanding neighbor makes our life sweet. A bad neighbor makes it unpleasant and unbearable.

Answered by itzPapaKaHelicopter

hyy khatun your last question a answer

18 January, 2018


The Headmaster,

Englishfor2day Online School.

Subject: Application for organizing a literary club.


This is to inform you that we, the students of class ten of your school, beg to state that we are very eager to organize a literary club in our school. We hope that such a club may satisfy the literary interests of many students. It may also fill the gap of co-curricular activities in the school. Our aim is to oraganize debate, literary contests and cultural functions. Few of our teachers have kindly consented to guide us.

We, therefore, would request you to kindly permit us to organize a literary club in our school and oblige thereby.

Yours obediently -

All the students of class Ten.

Englishfor2day Online School.

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