My own personality
These are great adjectives to describe myself.
Able. I am able to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.
Creative. I use a creative approach to problem solve.
Dependable. I am a dependable person who is great at time management.
Energetic. ...
Experience. ...
Flexible. ...
Hardworking. ...
hope it helps
I make sure I have the basic good habits which include respecting my elders, greeting people when I meet them, wishing them well when departing etc. Other than this, observing the law, serving the poor and downtrodden, helping the sick and needy, giving shelter to the homeless, assisting someone with a handicap, etc. are also other good habits of mine. To lead on a peaceful life, I develop other good habits like reading, writing, listening to music, dancing, singing etc. Going to the temple and offering prayers, giving alms to the poor, supporting the old etc. are other such habits which fulfill the needs of my soul. Akin to the value of politeness, lies modesty. It is one of the finest qualities that a person can possess. A person or an individual may have a number of good qualities, but if that person is modest then he gets the respect of everyone around him. Those who are humble or modest are considered to be wise. They do not bother if anyone notices their good deeds. A modest person is one who listens to everyone with equal attention and tries to learn from others as well. Thus, I try to remain modest within my social circles.