my strength and weakness towards science in points
The main strength is it can disseminate timely new science results which add to the general knowledge base that people can then build on to ever greater heights of technological advancement. There is now a known unknown you can research and understand in more detail, whereas before you read that article you did not even know what it was you did not know. Progress is made!
The main weakness is the modern need for stories to generate clicks for advertising revenue to pay someone to write the stories.
But most new trustworthy results are mundane and boring and do not inspire clicks; often the headline is enough to make the unknown known. The very few awe inspiring breakthroughs are not enough in number to sustain a typical magazine.
So the pay by advertising model means editors and reporters are under unsustainable stress to sensationalise and exaggerate often to the point where the content is just plain wrong, or at best completely useless to act upon with trust.
Clearly we need an alternative to the traditional advertising pays for media model. My proposal is for a subscription market place where content competes for subscribers monthly subscriptions. That way if I spend 10% of my time reading popular mechanics and 90% reading other technology material, they get 10% of my weekly technology subscription.
And so on for movies, music, art, music etc. etc. I would even make advertising another subscription market place. It can pay for itself by referrals, no subscription required.
A levy on the whole market is used to curate and maintain the knowledge that is freely available in the public domain for the greater good.