English, asked by sangeetaratnani, 17 days ago

My superhero legend
Superheroes do not just exist in the past. Discuss some of those
you have seen in films and on television. You may have your own
fictitious superhero in your culture.

You are going to write a story about a superhero who carries out a
daring deed and does good for someone or for many people.

150-160 words

please help me please help me!​


Answered by nikhithgandhivalaval



Filed in Campaign Creation, D&D / Pathfinder, Fantasy Games, Game Mastering, Mike, Shards Of Divinity (D&D 3.5), The End Of The Rainbow, World Design on Oct.20, 2020

Whew! Finished at last!! This is a long one, folks – more than 16 thousand words, or about four normal Campaign Mastery articles. Heck, that’s approaching game supplement levels… Needless to say, I had no idea it would be anything like that long when I started. I Hope it’s worth the wait! Awakened Trees Most […]

Tags: Campaign-Setting, Cultures-&-Societies, D&D, Fantasy, Game Worlds, Inspiration, Pathfinder

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Creating a Campaign Physics

Filed in Campaign Creation, Campaign Management, D&D / Pathfinder, Fumanor/One Faith (D&D 3.5), Fumanor/Seeds Of Empire (D&D 3.5), Game Mastering, House-Rules, Metagaming & Metagame Theory, Mike, NPCs & Villains & Monsters, PCs, Planning & Preparation, Rules & Mechanics, Shards Of Divinity (D&D 3.5), The Adventurer's Club (Hero System 5th Ed), The End Of The Rainbow, Tools & Techniques, World Design, Writing & Authoring & The Games Industry, Zenith-3 (Original system based on Hero System 4th Ed) on Oct.05, 2020

“Game Physics*” have been on my mind lately, no doubt because of my recently published article on the underpinning theory of how Magic works in my superhero campaign. This article is primarily aimed at D&D / Pathfinder / Fantasy GMs, but it may also serve in other genres in which the underlying “science” doesn’t match […]

Tags: Campaign-Background, Campaign-Setting, Campaigns, Cultures-&-Societies, D&D, Game-Mastery, Game-Mechanics, House-Rules, NPCs, Pathfinder, PCs, Players, Sci-Fi, Tools & Techniques, Writing

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Things Easier With Pixels, Things Not

Filed in D&D / Pathfinder, Game Mastering, Mapping & Maps & Minis, Mike, NPCs & Villains & Monsters, Online Gaming & Resources, PCs, Planning & Preparation, Shards Of Divinity (D&D 3.5), The Adventurer's Club (Hero System 5th Ed), Tools & Techniques, World Design, Writing & Authoring & The Games Industry, Zenith-3 (Original system based on Hero System 4th Ed) on Oct.29, 2019

I don’t have many pet peeves – technology that suddenly stops working without explanation, or won’t do what you tell it to in a timely fashion are two of the biggies. Computer Gamers and Game Companies describing what they do as “Gaming” as though all other forms of game-playing were irrelevant is another. Computer Gaming […]

Tags: 3.x, Adventure-Prep, Advice/Tools, Campaign-Admin, Campaigns, D&D, DM-Advice, NPCs, Pathfinder, PCs, Plausibility, Players, Resources, Tools & Techniques, Writing

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Further Thoughts On Exotic Creations

Filed in D&D / Pathfinder, Game Mastering, Game Philosophy, Metagaming & Metagame Theory, Mike, NPCs & Villains & Monsters, Planning & Preparation, Rewards, Shards Of Divinity (D&D 3.5), The End Of The Rainbow, Tools & Techniques on Oct.22, 2019

This is a post in three parts, all gathered together right here for your convenience. You see, I was very rushed for time when completing last week’s article on exotic creatures for TTRPGs, and almost immediately, afterthoughts started coming to me – things that would have been added if I’d had a few more hours. […]

Tags: 3.x, Adventure-Prep, Advice/Tools, Cultures-&-Societies, D&D, DM-Advice, Encounter-Design, Inspiration, Metagaming, Monster-Design, Pathfinder, Tools & Techniques, Treasure

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The glass is half-Something: two variations on Fey

Filed in Campaign Creation, D&D / Pathfinder, D&D 3.x, Fantasy Games, Game Mastering, House-Rules, Mike, NPCs & Villains & Monsters, PCs, Pieces Of Creation, Shards Of Divinity (D&D 3.5), The End Of The Rainbow on Jun.18, 2019

This month’s Blog Carnival is being hosted by Pitfalls & Pixies, and the subject is all things Fey. I’ve never been very satisfied with the way D&D handles Fey. There was not enough information in AD&D to run them properly; they seemed to be just dressed-up humans, or monsters like any other (just a little […]

Tags: 3.x, AD&D, Campaign-Background, Campaign-Setting, Campaigns, Cultures-&-Societies, D&D, Encounter-Design, House-Rules, Inspiration, Monster-Design, NPCs, Pathfinder, PCs, Races

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Blind Spots and False Illusions: How much can you really see?

Filed in Combat, D&D / Pathfinder, Game Mastering, House-Rules, Metagaming & Metagame Theory, Mike, PCs, Shards Of Divinity (D&D 3.5), Tools & Techniques, Zenith-3 (Original system based on Hero System 4th Ed) on Apr.30, 2019

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