My village essay 150 words
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About 70% of the entire land in India lies in village areas. Villages are the main source of food and resources. In this world full of pollution, the only place where you can get pure air is a village. In village, you can feel the cold breeze at night that relaxes our mind from any sort of anxiety. My village resides on a dwab. The word dwab means land lying between two river bodies. For this reason my village has a high contribution in cultivation of crops as the silt that comes from the rivers are very fertile. I love how the people in my village live as a loving community. They help each other in every possible way they can. I generally visit my village during my holidays. Otherwise I don't leisure to leave all my work and enjoy that beautiful place.
I love the weather there and I recall my childhood whenever I meet my friends who live there. I have been with them since the day I was born. Overall its a good experience to visit my village for me.