my vision for india esssay
Every true Indian would wish to see India emerge as a strong political entity. Unfortunately, inspite of our boasting of our glorious past and diversity of culture, our vision about future is misty. Our concept of national integrity, secularism and cultural freedom is topsy-turvy. We have been talking about eradication of poverty but the rich and the mighty have been plundering the nation. Erstwhile freedom fighters are amassing wealth. In the name of secularism & improving the lot of Dalits they have overlooked the need of the basic unity. Our wily politicians are interested in creating their own vote bank. A common citizens of India is a hapless victim of a new class of Desi rulers.
I would like to see India strongly united in essence and not in mere slogans chanted by our political leaders all the time. In my India of 21st century it is imperative that every Indian should develop a national character. It is time Indians saw through the game of present leaders. Health, secularism free from caste, communal and class prejudices will be developed. Democracy should now mature and the people of India should elect those who are well wishers of the people.
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My vision for INDIA
My vision for India is a healthy,fit and an educated India. India should follow it's Constitution and behave well. India should not only stick just to education But also in other things like sports and etc: . India should be one of the best country. Do not do any crimes and be a descent country. Do not degrade anyone or any work. India should also be as well in sports as education. In some states like Bhopal,Maharashtra they are not sending their children to schools. Every child should be educated. Do not depend on god for everything. My vision for India is a fit well educated INDIA.
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