English, asked by mbhadoriya035, 2 months ago

N. 11-The word in the lesson similar in meaning to ‘disable’ is –

[1]. dangle

[2]. cripple

[3]. iron persistence

[4]. determination

Q.N. 12-To produce younger ones ( give one word ):

[1]. sleep

[2]. slumber

[3]. breed

[4]. dawn

Q.N. 13-Choose the correct meaning of the word “dangle”

[1]. to hang or swing freely [2]. to have to stay in bed

[3]. having firm determination [4]. to surround or cover somebody

Q.N. 14-Give antonym of the word "huge"

[1]. small

[2]. large

[3]. happy

[4]. known

Q.N. 15-What is the meaning of the word "comrade" ?

[1]. trusted companion

[2]. enemy

[3]. brother

[4]. king

Q.N. 16-What is the meaning of the word "sacrifice" ?

[1]. kill

[2]. born

[3]. offering

[4]. freedom

Q.N. 17 -Bhagat Singh called the magistrate.

[1]. unfortunate

[2]. lucky

[3]. unlucky

[4]. fortunate

Q.N.18-The British took the dead bodies of the revolutionaries to the bank of the river.

[1]. Sutlej

[2]. Ganga

[3]. Yamuna

[4]. Narmada

Q.N.19 -Give one word for the phrase : ''A field covered in grass" :

[1]. meadow

[2]. garland

[3]. scramble

[4]. glimpse

Q.N.20-Who is the poet of the poem 'children' ?

[1]. Burt Dublin

[2]. Rabindra Nath Tagore

[3]. Anton Chekhov

[4]. H.W. Longfellow

Q.N. 21 -Choose the correct word of the phrase ''a gentle touch or kiss to show your love to

somebody'' :

[1]. gladness

[2]. caress

[3]. autumn

[4]. wisdom

Q.N.22-A force that causes bad things to happen (give one word)

[1]. evil

[2]. good

[3]. soul

[4]. darkness

Q.N.23-The radiant grace of God illuminating the poet's life means :

[1]. Light thy entrancing

[2]. Light Thy resurrecting lamp

[3]. Light Thy transmuting

[4]. Light Thy illuminating ​


Answered by vija4


please follow and good morning

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