n the following passage, one word has been omitted in each of the indicated lines. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet. Underline the answer. In India, than 5,000 brides die a) _________________ annually their dowries are b) _________________ considered insufficient, according the c) _________________ UNICEF. Crime of passion, are treated d) _________________ extremely leniently Latin America, are the e) _________________ same thing with a different name, rights f) _________________ advocates say. 'In countries Islam is practiced, g) _________________ they're called honour killings dowry deaths and h) _________________ so-called crimes of passion a similar dynamic, i) _________________ in the former, the women killed by male j) _________________ family members the crimes are k) _________________ perceived as excusable understandable.' l) _________________
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Your Q is to long I think if I will read it it will finishat night that's why I am not reading it so sorry plz ask some Questions for Class 6
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