N2,HCL,O2,H2O.Which among the above molecules do not show polar nature?give reason

Answer: HCl and molecule does not have a polar nature.
Polar Molecules: Polarity of a molecule is defined on the basis of electronegativity difference that is each element should have some partial charges.
Non-polar Molecules: Non-polarity of a molecule is defined when there is no electronegativity difference that is there is no partial charge on any element.
We are given 4 molecules, in which two are polar in nature and other two are non-polar in nature.
In and
molecule, the electronegativity of two elements are same and the difference in electronegativity is not there, therefore they are a non-polar molecules. There is no partial charge on Nitrogen and Oxygen atoms.
In molecule, the electronegativity of Oxygen and Hydrogen are not same and the difference in electronegativity is present, therefore it is a polar molecule. There are partial charges present on both oxygen and hydrogen.
In molecule, the electronegativity of Chlorine and Hydrogen are not same and the difference in electronegativity is present, therefore it is a polar molecule. There are partial charges present on both Chlorine and Hydrogen.

H2 and H2O are polar compounds and others are non-polar molecules
Polar Molecules : Polarity of a molecule is defined on the basis of electronegativity difference that is each element should have some partial charges
partial charges.
Non-polar Molecules : Non-polarity of a molecule is defined when there is no electronegativity difference that is there is no partial charge on any element.