Hindi, asked by MustafaN, 5 months ago

निम्नानुसार पत्र लेखन कीजिए । (२८) आपका नाम निर्मल है आप संस्कार सोसायटी पालनपुर में रहते हैं आप वृक्षारोपण दिवस मनाने वाले हैं अपने मित्र प्रिंस को इस दिवस में सम्मिलित होने के लिए निमंत्रण देते हुए पत्र लिखिए। (३)


Answered by Anonymous


Let us assume to the contrary that 2/5√3 is a rational numbers.

2/5√3 =p/q ( q = 0 ) are integers and p,q are co prime .

= 2q / 5q = √3

since 2,5,p,q are integers.

2q/ 5q is rational, so √ 3 is rational .

But this contradicts the fact that √ 3 is irrationals .

Hence , 2/5√3 is an irrationals numbers.

Answered by Sly01

The process of people moving back from urban to rural areas is called ruralisation or deurbanisation. ... The establishment of colonial rule in India saw the decay of several traditional urban centres and the growth of new ones. As old cities like Dhaka declined, people moved back to rural areas.

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