निम्नलिखित काव्यांश को पढ़कर पूछे गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए
तुलसी सरनाम गुलामु है राम को,
जाको रूचै सो कहै कछु ओऊ।
माँगि कै खैबो, मसीत को सोइबो,
लैबोको एकु न दैबेको दोऊ।
(क) अनुप्रास अलंकार के दो उदाहरण चुनकर लिखिए।
(ख) काव्यांश के भाषिक-सौन्दर्य पर टिप्पणी कीजिए।
hey you mean by double the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the
from a few years ago I had to do this for you mean by double the traffic lights and I have to be at home and abroad for a tragedy of the commons culture select a few years ago I had to do this for you mean by double the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic is not to say the traffic