Hindi, asked by sonuchhatbar, 8 months ago

निम्नलिखित परिच्छेद का अपनी मातृभाषा में अनुवाद कीजिए
भावी नागरिक निर्माण करने की जिम्मेदारी शिक्षक के ऊपर है। वह उसके शारीरिक, मानसिक तथा
नैतिक विकास का जनक है, जिस पर व्यक्ति, समाज तथा राष्ट्र निर्भर है। शिक्षक के ही द्वारा कोई योग्य
सैनिक बन सकता है। आज शिक्षक ने सैनिक धाराओं में क्रांति पैदा कर दी। हमारे अहिंसक आंदोलन
ने दुनिया को दिखा दिया है कि शिक्षक सैनिकों से कहीं श्रेष्ठ है। इसे बनावटी शस्यों की जरूरत नहीं
है। इसका आत्मिक बल सब शस्त्रों से बड़ा है।​


Answered by ItzNiladoll


Hope this helps you ✔️✔️


Translate the following paragraph into your native language

The responsibility of creating future citizens is on the teacher. He is his physical, mental and

The responsibility of creating future citizens is on the teacher. He is his physical, mental and Is the father of moral development, on which the individual, society and nation depend. Any qualified by the teacher himself

The responsibility of creating future citizens is on the teacher. He is his physical, mental and Is the father of moral development, on which the individual, society and nation depend. Any qualified by the teacher himself Can become a soldier. Today the teacher created a revolution in the military currents. Our non-violent movement

The responsibility of creating future citizens is on the teacher. He is his physical, mental and Is the father of moral development, on which the individual, society and nation depend. Any qualified by the teacher himself Can become a soldier. Today the teacher created a revolution in the military currents. Our non-violent movement Has shown the world that the teacher is far superior to the soldiers. It does not need artificial grains

The responsibility of creating future citizens is on the teacher. He is his physical, mental and Is the father of moral development, on which the individual, society and nation depend. Any qualified by the teacher himself Can become a soldier. Today the teacher created a revolution in the military currents. Our non-violent movement Has shown the world that the teacher is far superior to the soldiers. It does not need artificial grains Is. Its spiritual power is greater than all weapons.

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