निम्नलिखित पर संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी लिखिए
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Worksheet 2
Chapter 3 Human Body
* Fill in the blanks:-
1. Pepsin and Trypsin break proteins into ___________.
2. The salivary glands release a digestive juice called __________.
3. The salivary glands secrete enzyme_____________.
4. ______________ is a hollow tube made up of muscles.
5. The finger- like projections on the inner wall of the small intestine is called _____________.
* Define the following:-
1. Teeth
2. Oesophagus
3. Small intestine
4. Egestion.
* Answer the following questions:-
1. What are digestive enzymes.
2. What is absorption?
3. Define assimilation.
4. Draw a well labelled diagram of the following
(a) Taste buds on the tongue.
(b) The villi.
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