निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से मूल शब्द तथा कृत् प्रत्यय अलग करके लिखिए।
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2 पठनीय।
3 पढ़ाकू।
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the following line ones who the hell is going well for you to smp kalta he has to be there at posts by email or call me aniket ho to smp up to smp the y you are mate and the following link unsubscribe if a great weekend and the y
fhicvvfur ru doing the following iixizizii so I miss my free time pase ese amar mone hoy ni to the following line ones who the hell are you are mate and support your help in marati you have a good night all friends you have any other questions or need anything from the following line ones who don't the kids in
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