Hindi, asked by kalpanamundra80, 3 months ago

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को उपयुक्त मुहावरों द्वारा पूरा कीजिए-

(ग) अरे वाह! तुमने तो की________कर दी|​


Answered by Anonymous

निम्नलिखित वाक्यों को उपयुक्त मुहावरों द्वारा पूरा कीजिए-

  • (ग) अरे वाह! तुमने तो मोज कर दी|

Answered by artikeshawani


Thank bro

party me ana

Has a story ever struck a nerve in you? Introduced a new concept or insight that forever changed your idea of reality or human nature? Markus Zusak was so affected by a story that he wrote a whole novel from it.

Markus Zusak, author of The Book Thief, was inspired by an eye-witness account his mother had told him when he was growing up: as Jews were being marched down the street by Nazis, a boy offered a struggling old man a piece of bread. In response, the German soldiers took away the bread and whipped the man and the boy. Zusak saw this as the ultimate symbol of the difference between kindness and cruelty, and it became a repeating theme in his novel. Let's find out more.

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