निम्नलिखित विशेषण शब्दों से भाववाचक संज्ञा बनाकर लिखिए ;-
3 .प्रसिद्ध ,
4 .सक्रिय ,
5.विस्तृत ,
6.दृढ़ ......
Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.
Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.Keep the ruler exactly along the length to be measured.
Avoid using worn out portions of the ruler.
Keep the eye vertically above the point where the measurement is to be taken.
1.वि.] - जानने वाला; ज्ञाता; विज्ञ; चतुर|
2.वि.] - जिसके विषय में निश्चय किया जा चुका हो; दृढ़; पक्का; जिसमें परिवर्तन न हो सकता हो।
3.[वि.] - 1. विख्यात; मशहूर; नामी (व्यक्ति, वस्तु या कोई बात) 2. अलंकृत; भूषित 3. जिसे बहुत से लोग जानते हों (वस्तु या व्यक्ति)।
4.[वि.] - 1. जो कोई क्रिया कर रहा हो; क्रियाशील 2. क्रियायुक्त; कर्मठ 3. जो क्रियात्मक रूप में हो 4. फुरतीला।
5.[वि.] - 1. फैला हुआ 2. विशाल 3. लंबा-चौड़ा 4. खुला हुआ।
6.[वि.] - 1. पुष्ट; सबल; मज़बूत; पक्का; प्रगाढ़ 2. जो जल्दी टूट-फूट न सके; टिकाऊ; अटूट 3. जो हिलडुल न सके; अविचल; अडिग; स्थायी 4. अच्छी तरह बँधा हुआ; जो ढीला न हो 5. हृष्टपुष्ट 6. ठोस; कड़ा 7. निश्चित; पक्का 8. संकल्पशील 9. एकनिष्ठ 10. आत्मविश्वासी; धीर।
I hope it will help ☺️.