Hindi, asked by aliabbas24, 11 months ago

निर्देशानुसार वाक्य परिवर्तन कीजिए
आप यहाँ बैठे और मेरी प्रतीक्षा करें।(सरल वाक्य में)
परिश्रमी व्यक्ति सफल होते हैं।(मिश्र वाक्य में)
सच बोलने वाला व्यक्ति कभी डरता नहीं है।
(मिश्र वाक्य में)
अपराध सिद्ध होने पर उसे सजा हुई।(संयुक्त वाक्य में)
परीक्षा की तैयारी करने के लिए वह एकांत कमरे में पढ़ता है।(मिश्र वाक्य में)
सवेरा होते ही चिड़ियाँ चहकने लगती हैं।(संयुक्त वाक्य में)
राजू बाज़ार से पत्रिका लाकर पढ़ने लगा।(संयुक्त वाक्य में)


Answered by alokhealthcsr


आप यहाँ बैठ कर मेरी प्रतीक्षा करें

जो व्यक्ति परिश्रमी होता है वो सफल होता है

जो व्यक्ति सच बोलता है वो कभी नहीं डरता

उसका अपराध सिद्ध हुआ और उसे सजा हुई

वह एकांत कमरे में बैठता है और परीक्षा की तैयारी करता है

सवेरा होता है और चिड़िया चहकने लगती है

राजू बाज़ार से पत्रिका लाया और पढ़ने लगा

Hope you find it Beneficial..!!!

Answered by palashkhare06


Q. 5 Do as directed 5 marks

1 We did it.(Change into negative)

2 He teaches English. (change into negative)

3 Raja cried for milk. (change into present indefinite)

4 They are playing football. (change the voice)

5 He makes nice tea. (change the voice)

6 Sita does not sing. She does not dance. (combine using ‗neither—nor‘)

7 Mohan is too weak to lift this bag. (rewrite using ‗so – that‘)

8 a/apple/an/day/the/keeps/away/doctor. (rearrange the words to make a meaningful


9 If Rajesh does not act now, he will lose everything. (rewrite the sentence using


10 She is working hard. She wants to crack NEET examination.(combine the

sentences into one using ‗to + infinitive)

11 Pawan speaks French. Pawan speaks English. (combine the sentences using ‗


12 The man has not come for two days. He brings milk.(combine the two sentences

using a relative clause)

13 The/is /Himalaya/highest/the/world/mountain/of/the. (rearrange the words to make

a meaningful sentence)

14 If they work properly, they will not be punished. (rewrite using ‗unless‘ in place of


15 He is too poor to pay his fees. (rewrite the sentence using ‗so—that‘)

16 Some people are rich. They are not happy. (combine the two sentences using a

suitable conjunction)

17 The boy is my cousin. He is wearing a red shirt.(combine the sentences using a

relative clause)

18 In/this/many/book/are/there/pages/how/?( rearrange the words to make a

meaningful sentence)

19 She cannot afford it. She buys a car. (combine the two sentences using non-finite


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