CBSE BOARD XII, asked by khushvador, 2 months ago

nail Writing: You are a student of Junior college std XII studying in science Div. C. Your Roll Number is 3070. You have been suffering from fever for the last few days. You are not able to attend lectures, practicals as well as Examinations due to this. Your doctor has advised you to take complete bed rest for 2 weeks. Draft an E-mail to the Examination committee convenor requesting him/her to allow you to appear for Re-examination. You need to forward this Mail to the principal, vice principal and supervisor for their kind perusal.​


Answered by jjasmeen012


Given that 30% have full attendance and 70% are irregular.

Let the probability of having full attendance be a=0.3.

Let the probability of having irregular attendance be b=0.7.

Given that 70% of students having 100% attendance attain grade A and 10% irregular students attain grade A.

The probability of student picked up having grade A will be 0.7×0.3+0.7×0.1=0.21+0.07=0.28

The probabilty that the picked student is having 100% attendance will be 0.280.21=43.

No, regularity is required in every aspect of our life.


sorry I don't no this ans is useful

Answered by chanchalrajguru597


Date: 21/02/2023

From: [email protected]

To: RahulMukherjee105@

Cc: [email protected]

Bcc:[email protected]


Subject: Unable to attend lecture, practical and exams cause suffering from fever.

Dear sir,

I am Riya Sharma from std XII studying in science Division 'C'. my roll number is 3070. I am writing this email to tell you that I have been suffering from fever for last few day . and I am not able to attend lecture, practical and examinations due to this . my doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest for 2 weeks.

I am requesting you to appear for Re- examination. I hope you understand me.

Thank you.

your faithfully,

Riya Sharma .

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