Nam the age which was established approximately 10000 years ago. doting this age there was a slight improvement in the lifestyle of learnt several new things and improved the older ones?
Cliches and expressions give us many wonderful figures of speech and words in the English language, as they evolve via use and mis-use alike. Many cliches and expressions - and words - have fascinating and surprising origins, and many popular assumptions about meanings and derivations are mistaken. These cliches, words and expressions origins and derivations illustrate the ever-changing complexity of language and communications, and are ideal free materials for word puzzles or quizzes, and team-building games. Cliches and expressions are listed alphabetically according to their key word, for example, 'save your bacon' is listed under 'b' for bacon. Some expressions with two key words are listed under each word.
A commonly ignored reference source for many words and expressions origins - especially for common cliches that are not listed in slang and expressions dictionaries - is simply to use an ordinary decent English dictionary (Oxford English Dictionary or Websters, etc), which will provide origins for most words and many related phrases (see the 'strong relief' example below).
The money slang section contains money slang and word origins and meanings, and English money history.
The portmanteau words entry is a particularly interesting example of one of the very many different ways in which language evolves.
The close relationship between society and language - especially the influence of French words in English history - is also fascinating, and this connection features in many words and expressions origins. The lingua franca entry also helps explain this, and the organic nature of language change and development.
These derivations have been researched from a wide variety of sources, which are referenced at the end of this section. These reference sources contain thousands more cliches, expressions, origins and meanings.
If you have corrections or further details about the words, cliches, expressions origins and derivations on this page, please send them . If you are trying to find origins or derivations for words, expressions, phrases, clichés, etc., that are not listed here, then please use the research sources suggested below before you contact me. I'm not able to answer all such enquiries personally although selected ones will be published on this page.
The derivations quiz demonstrates that word and expressions origins can be used easily in quizzes, to teach about language, and also to emphasise the significance of cultural diversity in language and communications development.