Chemistry, asked by SHANTNU3132, 9 months ago

Naman observed that 'Desert' is described as ‘hot and dry'. Which of the following statement explains this observation?


Answered by Preeti4120


climate of desert is hot and dry

Answered by Anonymous
[tex]<!DOCTYPE html>

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background: black;

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opacity: 0;

animation: ear-left-after 2s infinite linear;


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left: 65%;

top: -24%;

transform: rotate(-227deg);

z-index: -1;

box-shadow: inset 20px -4px 0px 13px #94e1fd, inset 20px -11px 0 0px #94e1fd, inset 20px 19px 0 0px #94e1fd;

animation: ear-right 2s infinite linear;


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width: 14px;

height: 10px;

background: black;

position: absolute;

border-radius: 50%;

top: 46%;

left: 28%;

box-shadow: 65px 0px;

animation: eyes 2s infinite linear;


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content: "";

width: 14px;

height: 3px;

background: black;

position: absolute;

border-radius: 50%;

bottom: -57%;

box-shadow: 65px 0px;


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background: #6f69ef;

border-radius: 53% 47% 59% 41% / 73% 76% 24% 27%;

border: 4px solid;

position: absolute;

top: 43%;

left: 43%;

animation: nose 2s infinite linear;


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height: 4px;

background: black;

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top: 83%;

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animation: lip 2s infinite linear;


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@keyframes eyes {

100% {

height: 30px;

top: 22%;

width: 10px;



@keyframes nose {

300% {

top: 22%;



@keyframes lip {

100% {

background: #f77676;

height: 25px;

width: 25px;

top: 72%;

border-top-left-radius: 50%;

border-top-right-radius: 50%;

transform: translateY(-10px);



@keyframes ear-left {

100% {

border-bottom-color: black;

top: 165%;

transform: rotate(-175deg);

height: 24px;



@keyframes ear-right {

100% {

top: 165%;

transform: rotate(-175deg);

height: 24px;



@keyframes ear-left-after {

95% {

opacity: 0;


100% {

opacity: 1;





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