Name 10 diseases caused due to different kinds of pollution ?
Lung Cancer
While previously lung cancer was associated with those who smoke excessively, new evidence suggests that air pollution can also be a carcinogenic. Especially, people who live or work in congested spaces with little ventilation are susceptible to air pollution related ailments.
Cardiovascular Problems
Breathing in polluted air for long periods can increase the risk of heart diseases. Harmful air pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and ozone are known for getting mixed in the bloodstream and causing cardiovascular disorders.
Threat to Pregnant Women and Newborns
Air pollution can also adversely affect the health of women during pregnancy, and the unborn child can suffer from a weaker immune system. Newly born children also get affected by air pollution as they breathe in more than adults during their formative years.
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Safeguarding Against Air Pollution
Wearing masks when going out, travelling in closed transportation, staying in properly ventilated houses, and getting an air purification unit for your home, office and vehicle are some of the things you can do to counter air pollution. While buying the ideal home air purifier can be tricky, you can always refer to our air purifier buying guide to get one.
intestinal abnormalities