name 10 fact of prairies.
Tallgrass prairie once covered 142 million acres.
Prairies once covered about 40% of the United States.
Prairies are one of the most recently developed ecosystems in North America.
Prairies formed about 8,000 years ago.
About one percent of the North American prairies still exists.
Iowa had the largest percentage of its area covered by tallgrass prairie - 30 million acres.
In Iowa, 99.9 percent of the historic natural landscape is gone.
Over 100 plant species can occur in a prairie of less than 5 acres.
The major grasses of the tallgrass prairie are the big bluestem, the little bluestem, Indiangrass and switchgrass.
the grassland of America is called prairies, Chinook winds blow here during winter, some woodland found near the river valley , many tribes lived here , bison is the famous animal of the prairies. it also called the grainer of the world because wheat production in large number.