Name 5 Endangered insects
Top 10 Most Endangered Animals
Amur Leopard. Since 1996, the amur leopard has been classified by the IUCN as Critically Endangered with less than 70 individuals thought to exist today. ...
Gorillas. ...
Sea turtles. ...
Orangutan. ...
Sumatran Elephant. ...
Saola. ...
Vaquita. ...
Hey mate answer of your question is given below by me..
In the Seychelles, the giant flightless darkling beetle (Polposipus herculeanus) is an endangered insect that occupies dead trees on the small Frigate Island.
In England, the removal the larval foodplant of the Barberry Carpet Moth (Pareulype berberata) led to a sharp decline of this once widespread moth. In the 1980s its known distribution was reduced to just one locality. Since then, the reintroduction of Barberry through captive bred moths has reversed the decline.
In the United States, the endangered Tahoe stonefly (Capnia lacustra) is only found in Lake Tahoe at depths of 60-80 m (California). Further, it is the only stonefly in the world known to be fully aquatic in the adult stage.
In Australia, the Illidge's ant-blue butterfly (Acrodipsas illidgei) became an endangered species due to the dramatic destruction of mangrove habitats.