Science, asked by nadhanasrin7689, 1 year ago

Name a circulatory fluid in the human body other than blood. State its functions. How does it differ from blood?


Answered by tummalaxmisai007

Lymph is another circulatory fluid other than blood and differs from blood in lacking RBC and large proteins

Answered by smartbrainz


• A circulatory fluid in the human body other than blood is lymph.

• It's functions includes providing immunity to the cells and an alternative route to the blood supply.


• The lymphatic system is a part of our circulatory system which circulates substances other than blood, which particle size is bigger than the blood cells.

• They perform the vital role of providing immunity to the body because lymphocytes travels through these circulatory system.

• It also helps in transporting larger fat and fat soluble particles.

• It differs from blood because blood transports oxygen and other gases, food particles, hormones, etc, but lymph transports larger fat molecules which are too big to be transported through blood. It also transports the lymphocytes which is responsible for maintaining our immunity.

• Blood in humans and generally in every vertebrate is red in colour, but lymph is colourless.

• Blood consists of RBCs, WBCs, plasma etc while lymph contains mainly WBCs.

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