Name an instrument that measures electric current
in a circuit. Define the unit of
electric current.
an instrument that measures
electric current is
the unit of electric current is
Name an instrument that measures electric current in a circuit. Define the unit of electric current.
---› Ammeter is an instrument that measures electric current in a circuit. It is always connected in series in a circuit through which current is to be measured.
---› The electric current is expressed by unit called ampere.
More to know:
• The electric current is expressed by unit called ampere, named after French scientist, Andre-Marie Ampere.
•One Ampere is constituted by the flow of one Coulomb of charge per second, that is,
•Small quantities are expressed in milliampere or by microampere
•Electric current flows in the circuit from positive terminal of the cell to the negative terminal of the cell through the bulb and Ammeter.