English, asked by isabella4, 1 year ago

name and define each literary device


Answered by gulmeher18



An allegory is a symbolism device where the meaning of a greater, often abstract, concept is conveyed with the aid of a more corporeal object or idea being used as an example. Usually a rhetoric device, an allegory suggests a meaning via metaphoric examples.


Faith is like a stony uphill climb: a single stumble might send you sprawling but belief and steadfastness will see you to the very top.



Alliteration is a literary device where words are used in quick succession and begin with letters belonging to the same sound group. Whether it is the consonant sound or a specific vowel group, the alliteration involves creating a repetition of similar sounds in the sentence. Alliterations are also created when the words all begin with the same letter. Alliterations are used to add character to the writing and often add an element of ‘fun’ to the piece..


The Wicked Witch of the West went her own way. (The ‘W’ sound is highlighted and repeated throughout the sentence.)



An allusion is a figure of speech whereby the author refers to a subject matter such as a place, event, or literary work by way of a passing reference. It is up to the reader to make a connection to the subject being mentioned.
hope it helps u!!!!!!

gulmeher18: hey pls mark as brainliest plz
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