Name and define the Basic HTML tags
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> HTML (Hyper Text Mark up Language) is a simple mark up Language used to create hypertext documents for WWW.
> HTML tags instruct the web browser to retrieve and display textual information and graphics in page
• <HTML> is the first and last tag of HTML document.
> Head section
• It contain tags such as <HEAD> tag, the <TITLE> tag and the <STYLE > tag.
> Some common attributes of <BODY> tag
•<TEXT >
• Beggining of the paragraph using <P> tag and the end of paragraph </P>
• <BR> tag is used to insert a line break .
• <HR> tag is used to draw a horizontal line.
• Some commonly used formatting tags are <Basefont> tag, <font > tag, <bold> tag, <Italic> tag, <underline > tag etc. .
• <BASEFONT > tag is used to specify the font color, font face and font size of the text on the web page.
• <FONT> tag is used to display text in the specified font.
• <BOLD> tag is used to display the text in bold style
•<ITALIC> tag is used to display the text in italic style
• <BIG> tag Is used to display the text in larger font
• <SMALL> tag is used to display the text in smaller font.
• <SUB >.. </SUB> tag Is used to display th text slightly below the baseline of text and in smaller font size
• <SUP>...</SUP> tag is used to display the text slightly above the text in larger font.
• <CENTER>... </CENTER> tag is used to align the text enclosed within it to centre of the document.
• <MARQUE> tag makes the text enclosed within it to scroll from one end of the screen to another on the web page.
• <STRIKE > tag is used to strike a kin through the middle if the text
• <COMMENT> tag is used to insert comments in the source code
•each item within the list begins with <LI>
• <OL> tag support type and start attributes.
• An unordered list is created using <UL>... </UL> tag
> Definition list
• <DL>.. </DL> tag is used in beginning and ending of a definition list
• <DT >...</DT> tag Is used to specify the definition term.
• <DD>..</DD> tag is used to display the definition of the term.
• <IMG> tag is used to insert images in HTML.
> Tables in HTML
• <TABLE>... </TABLE> tag is used to create the structure of a table.
•<CAPTION>... </CAPTION> tag is used to give a caption for a table
• <TH>... </TH> tag is used to give a heading for each column
• <TR>...</TR> tag is used to create a row in a table.
• <TD>...</TD> tag is used to represent the values inside a table
• Everything between <A> and </A> behaves as link.
• <FRAMESET > and <FRAME> tags are used to create frames.