Name and explain any three ancient methods of measurement.
Inch: Inch is the measure of thumb, which was used to measure the length of items small, for example, seam of a cloth, length of paper etc.
Foot: Foot is the measure of length typically defined as 15.3 % of the height of a human body with an average height of 160 cm. This unit differed from place to place and trade to trade. This unit was preferred by Roman and Greeks and was typically used to calculate the size of a piece of cloth, height of human beings and cattle, size of a building etc.
Cubit: Cubit is the unit of measurement of length based of the length of forearm, typically the tip of the middle finger to the elbow bottom. This unit of measurement was preferred by Egyptians and Mesopotamians. Cubit rods have been discovered in the remains of the ancient Egyptian civilization. These rods are usually 20 inches in length, which are divided into seven palms; each palm is further divided into four fingers which are further subdivided.