English, asked by sakshihore26, 6 months ago

Name and explain the figure of speech of the following
"The ship was as still as she could be​


Answered by Lexihelp


It's personification (  is a figure of speech in which a non living thing is given human charecteristics or feelings or pronouns, here ship is personified to human pronoun "she" instead of "it")

Its also alliteration ( because "s" sound is being repeated in the given line )

Hope you found this helpful...

Answered by ravilaccs


Figure of speech is simile, Personification ,Alliteration


  • Figure of speech is an intentional deviation from ordinary language or it is a word or phrase that possesses a separate meaning from its literal definition.
  • Figures of speech in English are: simile, metaphor, personification, apostrophe and etc. are used to convey the meaning other than the literal meaning.
  • Here, simile figure of speech is used. Simile directly compares two things. Similes differ from metaphors by highlighting the similarities between two things using words such as ‘like’, ‘as’ or ‘then’. Whereas metaphors create an implicit comparison.
  • Some examples of similes are:
  • She is as innocent as an angel, as big as an elephant.
  • Similes are used in literature to make writing more interesting or vivid or more powerful. In everyday speech, they can be used to convey the meaning of the sentence or the part of the sentence more quickly and efficiently. As many commonly used expressions or idioms are similes.
  • Here, the figure of speech used is simile. The ship was as still as she could be. Here, the ship has been compared on the basis of stillness using the word, as.
  • The ship was still as she could be
  • Personification - The ship is personified.
  • Alliteration - The sound of letter ’sh’ is repeated.

Reference Link

  • https://brainly.in/question/3134537
  • https://brainly.in/question/51329962
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