name any four digestive enzymes secreted in the human digestive system and write their function
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Amylase, also called ptyalin, is an enzyme that aids the breakdown of starches. It is secreted in the saliva and the pancreatic juices. Mycozyme is an enzyme that also digests starches. Lipase, secreted by the pancreas, refers to any of several enzymes that increase the breakdown of fats (lipids).
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Digestive enzymes are broadly classified into four groups. They are:
Proteolytic Enzyme: split proteins to amino acids
Lipolytic Enzyme: split fats to fatty acids and glycerol
Amylolytic Enzyme: split carbohydrate and starch to simple sugars
Nucleolytic Enzyme: split nucleic acids to nucleotides
Proteolytic Enzyme: split proteins to amino acids
Lipolytic Enzyme: split fats to fatty acids and glycerol
Amylolytic Enzyme: split carbohydrate and starch to simple sugars
Nucleolytic Enzyme: split nucleic acids to nucleotides
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