name any one type of reflection in a convex mirror
A convex mirror is also known as a diverging mirror as this mirror diverges light when they strike on its reflecting surface.
☆ Virtual, erect, and diminished images are always formed with convex mirrors, irrespective of the distance between the object and the mirror ☆
Hope it helps
Throughout this unit on Reflection and the Ray Model of Light, the definition of an image has been given. An image is the location in space where it appears that light diverges from. Any observer from any position who is sighting along a line at the image location will view the object as a result of reflected light. Each observer sees the image in the same location regardless of the observer's location. As the observer sights along a line, a ray of light is reflecting off the mirror to the observer's eye. Thus, the task of determining the image location of an object is to determine the location where reflected light intersects. The diagram below shows an object placed in front of a convex mirror. Light rays originating at the object location are shown approaching and subsequently reflecting from the mirror surface. Each observer must sight along the line of a reflected ray to view the image of the object. Each ray is extended backwards to a point of intersection - this point of intersection of all extended reflected rays is the image location of the