name any three groups of food.give example of food items belonging to each group and draw diagrams.
Many foods contain more than one group of food, and milk contains all groups of food.
Food is often classified as:
Carbohydrate, including FibreProteinFatVitamins and MineralsCarbohydrates are substances that contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They are used in the body to produce energy. They include sugars and starches. Carbohydrates are usually obtained from plant sources. They are broken down in the body to form glucose, and any that is not immediately required in stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Plants use carbohydrates to build structures and store any excess as starch, whereas, animals use build structures and store any excess as fat.
Plants make carbohydrates from sunlight, water, chlorophyll, and carbon dioxide. We obtain them from plants, for example:
cerealsstarchy rootslegumes (pulses)vegetables and Fruitssugars, preserves and syrupsProteins are composed, like carbohydrates, of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, but with nitrogen. They may also contain sulphur and phosphorus. They are complex molecules composed of amino acids.
Proteins are used by the body to:
enable growth, development and structures such as muscles, tissues and organs, including the heart, lungs, digestive organs.enzymes, such as those required for digestion.hormones, such as those for the endocrine glands.Proteins, therefore, are needed not only for obvious body structures, such as muscles, but also for the immune and digestive systems, etc.
Complete proteins are obtained from meat, fish and dairy products including eggs. Proteins can also be obtained from certain combinations of foods, for example, cereals and beans.
Fats are substances that are not soluble in water. They are composed of fatty acids and glycerol. Fats are also called lipids.
Sources of fat include animal meat, fish, and vegetable oils. Fats are used by the body:
In every cell structure.Especially to build nerves and brain. The brain is 40% fat.To insulate the body.To produce sex hormones and adrenal cortex hormoneTo produce cholesterol (essential for cell membranes and bile salts, for example).To absorb certain vitamins (A, D, E, and K).To store energy.Fats have got themselves a bad name in recent times, yet they are an essential food. That is, the body requires its intake of fat every day for health and, especially, well being. Like the other groups of food, when the body does not get the fat it needs, then illness results.