Science, asked by Jaisgrewal7189, 1 year ago

Name any two naturally occuring toxic substances in food.


Answered by ceciliafought7pelct0

As opposed to man-made chemicals such as pesticides, veterinary drugs or environmental pollutants that get into our food supply, toxins can be present due to their natural occurrence in food. Natural toxins found inherently in foods of plant and animal origins can be harmful when consumed in sufficient quantities.

Answered by gadakhsanket

Dear Student,

Almost everything is a toxin if taken in excess. But some things are harmful in even normal dose. They are called toxins.

● Answer -

Naturally occuring toxic substances in food are as follows -

  1. lectins in soya beans
  2. enzyme inhibitors in other legumes
  3. Preformed staphylococcal toxin
  4. Aflatoxins in from fungi

Thanks dear. Hope this helps you...

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