Name any two units which are widely used in your locality.
Common land measurement units used across the world
Square foot (sq ft)
The most commonly-used unit is a square foot (sq ft), which is equal to 0.11 of a square yard. Under the rules of the real estate law in India, developers have to notify the area in sq ft terms.
An imperial unit used to measure area, sq ft is used across geographies to map the area at the time of property purchases. Countries where the usage of sq ft is most common include India, the US, the UK, Bangladesh, Canada, Ghana, Hong Kong, Liberia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Singapore.
Square yard
Larger than a sq ft, a square yard is made of 9 sq ft. The units is widely used across the globe to measure land, especially in residential real estate. In several Indian states, local governments use square yard as the standard value while fixing circle rates (in Rs per sq yard). In Haryana, for example, land rates in urban areas are fixed on a rupee per square yard basis by the state government.
Made of 10.76 sq ft, a square metre is also a common land measuring unit applied in India. The square metre, which is also often abbreviated as sq m or M2, is a unit of area measurement equal to a square measuring one metre on each side. By that calculation, it would take nearly 12 square metres to create the parking space for an average car.
Since square metre is a unit that measures area, these are avoided when
in unit of length its usually metre (m), kilometre (km) etc