name can animals product which is used as good
Products from animals include meat and meat products, poultry products (meat and eggs), fish, shellfish, dairy products (milk and cheese), and non-food products such as fiber (wool, mohair, cashmere, and leather).
Animal products which are used as food are eggs, chicken, mutton, fish, honey, milk etc. Milk is used for drinking purpose, converted into other useful products such as curd, butter, ghee, cheese. Fish gives us cod liver oil which is rich in vitamin A. Honey is produced by honey bees
Animal-provided foods are extremely nutritious. In our daily lives, we consume those items. Bakeries and confectioneries also use it. They are primarily high in all necessary elements, and adding even tiny amounts of these items to a vegan diet can significantly enhance nutrient intake.
Explanation: Goat meat is a type of red meat that comes from goats. Goats also produce milk, which may be used to make cheese, yogurt, soap, and baby formula, among other things. For babies who are allergic to cow's milk, goat's milk is a good replacement.
Fish is a good protein source. Fish eggs, known as caviar, are also eaten and considered a delicacy. Fish oils are a by-product of fish that are thought to help with mental wellness, cancer prevention, and heart health.
Cow: A dairy mammal that provides us with milk and other dairy products.
Chickens are the most popular poultry bird for both eggs and meat. The white region of eggs has a significant amount of albumin, a protein that is the major ingredient.