Name: Chapter 2 The Microbial World Class: 08 Date: Worksheet 1 Fill in the blanks. 1. Scientists dealing with microbes are called 2. algae can be seen with unaided human eyes. 3. Fungi are mostly found in and places. 4. Viruses are harmful because of their nature. 5. Flu or common cold is caused by virus.साइंटिस्ट मीनिंग फॉर माइक्रोवेव आर कॉल्ड
1.Microbiologists study microbes, and some of the most important discoveries that have underpinned modern society have resulted from the research of famous microbiologists, such as Jenner and his vaccine against smallpox, Fleming and the discovery of penicillin,
2. Chara can be seen with unaided eye.
1.Chara is a multicellular algae that has body similar to plants. Thus, it is macroscopic and is visible to unaided eyes
2.Other algae like Spirogyra and Chlamydomonas are so small that they have to be viewed using microscope.
3.Algae is an aquatic organism with nucleus and photosynthetic ability. They lack true plant organs like stem, roots, leaves.
3 Most fungi live in soil or dead matter, and many are symbionts of plants, animals, or other fungi. Fungi, along with bacteria that are found in soil, are the primary decomposers of organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems.
4. virus have dual property they are dead outside the host body but alive inside the host body.
5 There’s high heat, lower heat, even lower heat and absolute zero, all measured by ‘degrees’ (Fahrenheit, Celsius, or ‘Kelvin’.) They all describe the inherent kinetic energy or ‘state of excitement’ or of atoms.