Name different modes of feeding in animals?
Filter Feeding: obtaining nutrients from particles suspended in water. Commonly used by fish.
Deposit feeding: obtaining nutrients from particles suspended in the soil. Earthworms use this mode of ingestion.
Fluid feeding: obtaining nutrients by consuming other organisms’ fluids. Honey bees, mosquitos exhibit this mode of food intake.
Bulk feeding: obtaining nutrients by eating the whole of an organism. Example: Python.
Ram feeding and suction feeding: ingesting prey via the fluids around it. This mode of ingestion is usually exhibited by aquatic predators such as bony fish.
Organisms Mode of feeding
Cow Bulk feeding
Lizard Bulk feeding
Butterfly Fluid feeding
Parrot Bulk feeding
Elephant Bulk feeding
Cockroach Bulk feeding
Horse Bulk feeding
Mosquito Fluid feeding (Sucking)
Ant Chewing and Swallowing
Humming Bird Fluid feeding (Sucking)
Eagle Bulk feeding
Snail Bulk feeding
Lice Fluid feeding (Sucking)
Duck Filter feeding
Fish Filter feeding
Sponges Filter feeding