Name diseases caused by protozoa in human ,animal and plants .
Protozoa are microbes which are single celled organisms. They cause wide variety of diseases and their pathogencity is relatively less severe than bacteria.
Examples include
Mouth: Gingivitis infection of gums caused by entamoeba gingivalis. It spreads by kiss.
Brain: Amoebic Encephalitis. This is rare and spreads from intestine to liver to brain byentamoeba. Other type is caused by Naegleria fowleri which one experiences after exposure natural water bodies.
Courtesy: Wikicommons
Intestine: Amoebic Dysentery with loose motions, pain and frequent urge for bowels. ByEntamoeba hystolitica.
Blood: Malaria caused by plasmodium species(P.malaria, P. falciparum etc.),
Some other infections include
Giardiasis an intestinal infection caused byGiardia lamblia. Causes weakness, diarrhea.
Trichomoniasis with symptoms like vaginitis, blood in urine etc. It is also a sexually transmitted disease caused by Trichomonas vaginalis.
Toxoplasmosis spreads form cats to humans.. causing encephalitis. It is fatal if untreated. It is caused by Toxoplasma gondii.
Trypanosomiasis which causes sleeping sickness, fever etc. which can infect brain, lymph, heart, spleen etc. It is fatal infection unless well treated. It is caused by Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi.